This Year's Theme

Steadfast: Navigating Market Uncertainty and Discovering New Opportunities

We are excited to announce the 22nd edition of the NW Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo (NEDME). THis will be the second show held at the beautiful, spacious Wingspan Event & Conference Center at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Taking place on October 22, 2025, this event brings together industry professionals to explore the latest trends and innovations in electronics manufacturing.


Keynote Speaker Profile: Angela Wilhelms

Our keynote speaker, Angela Wilhelms of Oregon Business & Industry (OBI), took some time out of her very busy schedule to share her observations about OBI, changes on their way for the electronics industry, and on the ways in which NEDME brings value to its exhibitors and attendees.

Speaker Profile: Doug Porter

Doug Porter or designPORT will be speaking this year on maximizing return on investment with new product development, and we were pleased to get his thoughts to share with our community in advance of this year’s show.

Sponsor Profile: Screaming Circuits

We're pleased to welcome back Screaming Circuits as a Gold Sponsor for the 2024 show. We talked with product manager Jill Oxnam to share some of her insights about NEDME.


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