NW Electronics Design
& Manufacturing Expo

2017 Exhibitor Profile: Q&D Manufacturing

The organizers of NEDME are pleased to welcome back Q&D Manufacturing to the exhibitor floor this year. We spoke with Robin Klein, owner of Q&D Manufacturing, and he graciously shared some of his thoughts with us.

Tell us about one of your favorite things about the NW electronics community.

Q&D appreciates the openness and welcoming attitude of the local electronics community. In particular, we enjoy and appreciate the events that are hosted by various Electronics Manufacturing Association (EMA) members — as it helps us be more aware of their capabilities and potential business connections.

Are there particular changes in the electronics marketplace that you think your company is especially well-positioned to meet?

One of the immediate challenges that most of us are facing is the financial impact due to Oregon’s minimum wage law. This not only impacts entry level positions, but others who are in lower skill level jobs. Our best guess is that there will be a transition for many manufacturing jobs that require minimum skills. Only those local companies that operate with high efficiencies, while providing consistent quality and responsiveness may survive the next few years.

What are you hoping to get out of exhibiting at this year’s NEDME?

We have fully appreciated the consistency of exhibiting at NEDME for many years. Many times, our benefit seems to come more from consistency and presence than from large new orders received at a show. Having said that, last year’s exhibit resulted in several new opportunities and strengthened relationships.