NW Electronics Design
& Manufacturing Expo

2017 Sponsor Profile: Adapt Electronics

The annual NW Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo wouldn’t be possible without our excellent sponsors. This year, we’re very pleased to have Adapt Electronics as one of our Gold Sponsors. We caught up with Gary Hilgeman of Adapt, and he shared some of his thoughts with us.

Tell us about one of your favorite things about the NW electronics community.

Early on in my career, I tended to do more on my own strength, but as time moved along I began to realize what a good resource and help many of my fellow reps and customers have become. I hope some of the newer reps get a chance to experience just how great a group of people we have here.

Are there particular changes in the electronics marketplace that you think your company is especially well-positioned to meet?

With the rapidly changing way we connect to our world, more and more of this is happening via some sort of interactive display technology. Last year we joined forces with Data-Modul who supplies displays, embedded controllers and touch screen technology to meet those needs.

What are you hoping to get out of sponsoring this year’s NEDME?

I am hoping to be an encouragement to someone. None of us really know how the rest of 2017 and 2018 will play out, but we can have fun and make friends along the way. The second thing I would like to do is give a shout out to Kingbright. Over the years, Kingbright has been the most supportive and responsive manufacturer I have ever known. By being a gold sponsor, I am hoping to return to them in a small way some well earned recognition of just how outstanding they are.