NW Electronics Design
& Manufacturing Expo

NEDME Tech Session Preview: Greg Hutchins and Ed Perkins of CERM

ISO-BookWe have a number of exciting technical sessions planned for this year’s show, including a talk by Greg Hutchins and Ed Perkins of CERM on “Preparing for New ISO 9001 Risk Based Thinking.” Mr. Hutchins shared some of his thoughts with us, and we’re pleased to share them with the broader NEDME community.

What has been one of your favorite work projects in the last few years?

Our favorite project has been establishing Certified Enterprise Risk Manager ® – CERM Academy.  The CERM community is about 28,000 and the Linkedin communities are much larger.

What is one thing that you hope people will take away from your technical session?

There will be a number of takeaways.  But one takeaway is that now we live in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) time.  Everything seems to be disrupted.  Risk management seems to be an everyday skill we need to adapt, sustain and prosper.

Tell the NEDME community about a change you see coming in the industry, and a way in which companies should be positioned to meet it.

The change we seeing coming in industry and standards development is ISO 9001:2015.  This is an international standard that now incorporates Risk Based Thinking (RBT).  ISO developed RBT in response to VUCA changes occurring in many organizations.  We will discuss what RBT is, describe how to position in today’s disruptive marketplace, and offer suggestions on how to manage in VUCA time.